Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008

Rotating Seasonal Clothing

Rotating Seasonal Clothing
by: Marilyn Bohn

Seasons are changing and it is time to think about putting away your summer or winter clothing—depending on where you live---and getting out the clothes that have been stored away.

This is a good time to look at every article of clothing you have in your closet. Take out each one and check it for rips and stains. Analyze if you still like it, if you even wore it this year and if you want to keep it. The statistic is that 80 of what we have hanging in our closets.

When you find something that needs repairing then place it in a basket to be mended. I prefer a basket because the items can be seen and in a bag they can be forgotten. "Out of sight, out of mind." Either take these items to the room where your sewing supplies are if it is something you can fix or place it in a pile to give to someone else to mend. If it needs mending but you know you will never get it done do not hang on to it. Get it out of your closet. Either give it to someone you know would like it (letting them know the problem) or donate it to a charity.

For clothing that needs to be dry cleaned place in a bag and take it out to your vehicle, then when you are out and about you can drop it at the cleaners. Schedule the day you will go to the cleaners in your planner, the chances are greater that you will get the articles there. If your clothes are dirty or have stains on them now is the time to wash them and remove stains so you can put them away clean. The longer a stain is left the harder it is to remove.

For the clothes that are clean and in good repair but you don't see yourself ever wearing them again, or don't any more donate to a local charity.

Now the clothes you are keeping for next year which are left in your closet either move to a different closet in your home, or possibly store in a large garment box movers use. The clothes can hang and you can put the box in your garage or storage room. If your closet is large enough you can move your clothes to the back of your closet if you have no where else to move them to.

For the clothes you fold, place in plastic bins that are clearly labeled on the outside. You can label the boxes by using a label maker or a 3X5 card taped with clear packing tape on the outside of the box. You can label either by the season or just seasonal.

Go through your coat closet and take out winter coats and winter sport clothes and put either in a different closet or with your seasonal clothes.

After you have taken out all of your seasonal clothes take the 'current season' clothes and organize them in your closet. Check to see if any of these need repairing or cleaning in case they slipped past inspection last year.

Shoes can be stored with out-of-season clothing. Clean and polish all shoes and boots and check to see if they need repairing. If they do, now is the time to take them to the shoe repair shop. Place them in a bag and put them in the car so they can be dropped off when you are out and about. For tall boots to keep their shape and prevent creases insert an empty paper towel roll into the boot and store them upright. Or stuff with tissue paper.

By rotating your clothes you have space in your closet to see what you have to wear and it is also a time to weed out clothes you don't want to keep.

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